Ken Camp: At 400 years, theological distinctions define, divide Baptists

„Garrett, distinguished professor of theology emeritus at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth and author of Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study, addressed the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute summer colloquy in Arlington.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, theological questions regarding salvation— specifically election and free will—differentiated distinct brands of Baptists, Garrett asserted. Calvinist Particular Baptists stressed God’s sovereign role in the salvation of the elect, and Arminian General Baptists emphasized the ability of humans to respond freely to God’s grace.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Baptists divided along liberal and evangelical lines, he added. Doctrinal issues focused on Christ’s divine/human nature, revelation and the Bible, human origins and beliefs related to the Second Coming of Christ.”

Baptist Standard

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